Lemongrass, Butterscotch, Hops

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About Geisha

Gesha or Geisha, both spellings are used, is a variety that originates from the Gori Gesha forest in Ethiopia. It was discovered in the 1930s by British colonial explorers, but gained popularity when it won the best of Panama in 2004 for its complex floral notes.

What is Washed?

Coffee beans are the seed of a tropical fruit. Processing refers to the method used to remove the husk surrounding the seed and the technique used to dry the beans prior to roasting. Processing has one of the biggest effects on the final flavor in the cup. The main types of processing are washed, honey, natural and anaerobic. 

Washed is when the entire cherry is removed shortly after harvest and then rinsed to remove the remaining mucilage. The seed within the parchment layer is then laid out to dry. This method is considered the most traditional and results in the cleanest and least fruity cup. 

Natural is when the entire fruit is left on the seeds during drying. Once entirely dried the husk and parchment layer are removed in a dry mill. Due to the longer contact time with the cherry this process when done correctly creates a fruity and sweet cup. 

Honey is between a washed and natural process. Part of the husk is removed and then dried with the remaining mucilage, which looks like the color of honey hence the name. There are various types of honey from white, red, or black depending on how much of the mucilage is removed. The taste profile ranges from more clean and mellow to more sweet and fruity. 

Anaerobic is the newest and most complicated processing technique. It is an umbrella term for many different types of fermentations that break down the outer fruit. Typically, this refers to the intentional limitation of oxygen during fermentation and extended time in the fermentation phase. There are many different kinds of processing that can fall under this category such as carbonic maceration, thermic shock, and yeast inoculation. These are typically the most wild and flavor intense tasting coffees.

Why Does Your Coffee Always Rotate?

One of the things that excites us the most about coffee is the wide range of flavors that can exist within it. We love searching for new and unique offerings, which usually means they come in small quantities.

Quick Pour-Over Coffee Guide

These recipes are a good starting point to brew your coffee. Adjust by taste to suit your equipment and preferences. 

  • Coffee: 18g
  • Water: 320g 

Brew Steps:

  1. Bloom (0:00): Pour 100g water to saturate all grounds.
  2. First Pour (0:35): Add water to 220g in slow concentric circles.
  3. Second Pour (1:45): Finish pouring to 320g total.
  4. Complete (4:00): Allow all water to drip through.
  • Coffee: 19g
  • Total Output: 48g espresso
  • Time: Adjust grind size until time is around 25 seconds to get the desired total output. 

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